What is Adult Education

Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can prosper without education. A nation’s development depends on the achievements of Education. The development countries have 99% to 100% educated people. Whereas our percentage is so poor than those. A large section of our illiterate people are somehow engaged in agricultural sector, industrial enterprises. But they can’t do their job properly due to lackness of education. So Adult education is necessary for their better performance and for the welfare of the      country as well. 

What is Adult education meaning

Adult education means  education of the illiterate adults. It is managed by private organizations. Through the adult education programmes education would be given only to the adults. Sometimes one may be confused with mass and adult education. But it should be clear that adult education means education for the adults those are illiterate and uneducated. On the other hand mass education means education for all as a whole. At present more than 30% of the school going children do not attend primary school. So the number of illiterate adults is increasing day by day. Ignorance baffles the social rules and customs. The progress of the country is impossible if a large number of people are left ignorant. So adult education is horribly necessary for our own life and more necessary for our country developed. It is well known that adult education opportunity affects women much more adversely than men. We have to make women more conscious of their rights and own responsibilities. They must understand the implication of various laws governing women status is society. In the first case women in the organized sector, including factories, mines, plantations, public undertaking etc. Women industrial workers are normally relegated to jobs requiring minimum skill with lower remunerations and are denied training and consequent promotional opportunities. 

Every Educate parson will have to work hard in hand to educate the adults. Adults those are engaged in production must be convinced of the utility of education and motivated to learn. As adults are mainly working class. So for their learning night schools should be set up in all existing schools mosques or any suitable places. If every man come forward with the dame sincerity then this mountain like task would be too easy to reform. One more things can be done that in addition with their studies they should be taught handicrafts development of fisheries etc. 

Illiteracy is a curse and only Govt. Cannot do everything. Let us all try to get rid of the curse of illiteracy Government should come with aid and whole heated cooperation from all quarters is essential to attain success in removing illiteracy.

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